StuHomz was created by students like you! We know it’s difficult to obtain quality, secure, and affordable student housing in Ontario. Our experienced staff understand the nuances of moving to a new city, finding housing, and attending university.
We provide you with campus maps, city maps, bus routes, shopping information, virtual tours of rental properties, and an online portal for document signing, fee payments, and maintenance requests.
We have premium off-campus rental units in desirable locations around Ontario, near universities/ colleges, restaurants, grocery stores, cafes and more. From small apartments to multi-bedroom homes, we have units for a range of needs and budgets.
We understand the unique challenges that international students face when they arrive in a new country! We’re here to help ease the transition with:
We currently serve students of Fanshawe College, University of Western Ontario, King’s University College, Huron University College, and Brassica University College.