In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the safety and health of all are our priority. Please ensure you are not putting yourself or others at risk when you travel to avoid the risk of contamination.

If you agree to the policy, you confirm that:

I am well and healthy and do not have any of the following symptoms:

  1. Fever, new cough, difficulty breathing
  2. Muscle aches, fatigue, headache, sore throat
  3. Runny nose or diarrhea

I have not experienced any of the following:

  1. Travelled abroad in the last 14 days
  2. Someone I am in close contact (household or workplace) with currently has COVID-19
  3. I am in close contact with someone who has recently travelled or someone who is in self-isolation

The above will be taken as factual and true on your confirmation.


Durham College has partnered with StuHomz to offer arrival services for its students. The arrival services offered (shuttle and DC’s First night packages). The details for the arrivals package offered to Durham students are below:

  • Charges: The cost of DC’s First night package is $450.87, and the Shuttle Package is $158.20. Durham College covers the charges for the shuttle and one-night accommodation.
  • Please note all costs are inclusive of tax, i.e. 13% HST
  • In case you are travelling with a family member who will stay with you, the price per person would be:
    • 1 guest (Cost will be $56.50 for shuttle and $79.80 per night for accommodation)
    • 2 guests (Cost will be $56.50 for shuttle and $214.70 per night for accommodation)
    • 3 guests (Cost for 3rd guest is $56.50 for the shuttle, and accommodation cost is included)
  • In case of any cancellation or modification made 72 hours prior to the departure date, there will be no cancellation fee charged. However, if cancellation or modification is not made in the stated time, a penalty fee of $450.87 will be charged for DC’s First night and $158.20 for the Shuttle package.